CEMA 221

CEMA 221 is a Conservation Evaluation and Monitoring Activity that standardizes the protocol for sampling and testing SOC stock. NRCS offers producers technical and financial support to monitor the effects of conservation practices on SOC stocks through enrollment in CEMA 221.

A producer can enroll in CEMA 221 with their local NRCS Field Office with a conservation plan. The field will be sampled prior to implementing the conservation practice and resampled five years after implementation.

The producer will be reimbursed 70-90% from their state’s reimbursement scenario, with more support for historically underserved producers*. Please check your state’s webpage for the current payment schedule.

If you would like to enroll in CEMA 221, please contact your local NRCS field office.

*Historically underserved producers include beginning producers, limited resource producers, socially disadvantaged producers, or veteran producers.