Qualified Individuals (QIs)

A Qualified Individual (QI) will assist farmers in participating in CEMA 221, working alongside NRCS Field Office staff. A QI designs sampling strategies, collects soil samples, sends them to a lab for analysis, and reports the data to NRCS.

To be eligible as a QI, individuals must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Certified individuals who hold current applicable credentials such as:
    • Certified Crop Advisor (CCA)
    • Certified Professional Agronomist (CPAg) through the American Society of Agronomy
    • Certified Professional Soil Scientist (CPSS) through the Soil Science Society of America

  • Technical Service Provider (TSP) certified for Conservation Practice Standard (CPS) Nutrient Management (Code 590) or Soil Health Management Design and Implementation Activity (162)

  • Individuals with a B.S. degree in agricultural or soil science and at least two years of experience collecting soil for laboratory analysis

If you are an eligible QI and want to sign up for training, please email:

Ellen Batchelder at ebatchelder@woodsend.com Rich Price at priceri1@msu.edu

If you have already completed QI training, please fill out this survey.